Lower Eyelids

Restylane injection is a popular treatment for the temporary correction of facial wrinkles and folds. Made with special cross-linked hyaluronic acid, Restylane works by restoring hydration and volume to the tissue. As one of the first dermal fillers of its kind, Restylane is a trusted product that is frequently used by cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists.


Why undergo a Restylane injection? For most patients, the treatment is performed to reduce the appearance of volume loss and/or dark circles of the lower eyelids. This is a great option when performed by an experienced facial plastic surgeon, like Dr. PEtro to help lower eyelid hollowness and brighten eyes.

HOW lower eyelid INJECTIONs WORK

If Dr. Petro recommends lower eyelid filler, she will provide detailed information about the treatment, including details on the product, its uses, possible side effects, expected results, duration, and more.

Before injection, the doctor identifies areas for wrinkle correction and then cleans them with antiseptic. Numbing cream can be applied first, but may not be necessary โ€“ especially with Restylane-L the latest version that contains anesthetic in its formulation.


Youโ€™ll notice the results right away, and the area may even feel puffy for a short time. Minor swelling is normal and can be managed with ice if necessary. During the first 24 hours after the Restylane treatment, you should avoid rigorous exercise, sun exposure, heat exposure and alcohol consumption, which may cause unwanted side effects.

Results of Restylane last about six to twelve months, so you may want to plan for touch up injections if you want to maintain the results. In many cases, repeat injections require less filler to achieve satisfactory results..

For more information please call our office at (205) 420-8043.