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Some things are impossible to change. Some are easy. CoolSculpting is easy.
CoolSculpting is a non-surgical, fat reducing procedure specifically designed for people that have fat in areas that seem to be more stubborn than others. When you are born, there are a certain number of fat cells. While luckily, your body cannot add fat cells, the ones that you have can certainly swell and are genetically predetermined to be in certain places. As a woman, fat is typically stored excessively in the abdomen, hips and thighs, whereas men tend to store fat in their abdomen and hips.
Most people that want CoolSculpting exercise several times a week, eat well and yet remain frustrated because they have excess fat that seems completely resistant to all efforts. As a woman, you essentially have to lose the fat in your face and breasts well before you’ll see a difference in your abdomen or thighs. Women often ask me if there is anything I can do and honestly there is simply no way to choose the areas you want to lose weight. It can be so dramatically frustrating because in order to continue to eat well and consistently exercise, it seems we all need to see some type of change in how we look. Yet, the areas that seem to bother us the most are the same despite our most valiant efforts. It’s almost like you rather do nothing than put the effort forward and not be able to see any results.
There is great power in being able to spot reduce fat. Liposuction can be very difficult because most of us are pretty content in our teenage years, which is an ideal time to have Liposuction. This is because the skin is very tight with collagen and is at its best. Liposuction requires that the fibers that provide support to the skin be destroyed. We all know that as the older we get, the looser our skin feels – and that is a terrible feeling.
CoolSculpting was discovered by physicians at Harvard Medical School. These doctors noticed a phenomenon known as “Popsicle Panniculitis” which involves the loss of cheek fat that occurs when eating and sucking on frozen Popsicles. At this time, there were also documented cases where a woman rode horseback naked in the cold weather and lost fat in her inner thighs. Both of these cases documented a connection between exposing fat to a cold temperature which resulted in fat loss. These doctors realized that fat is much more sensitive to cold along with the nerves, skin, muscle or other tissue. They were able to pinpoint a temperature that will result in Apoptosis or destruction of the fat cells without injuring the surrounding tissues. This process is known as Cryolipoysis. When the fat cells are exposed to cold temperatures, they undergo a programmed cell death, with absolutely no increase in cholesterol or lipid levels in the bloodstream.
CoolSculpting is the non-surgical way to freeze away fat permanently without any downtime, no incisions, and very minimal discomfort. The treatment itself is not painful and you can see results in as little of 3 weeks. You can even play on your computer or watch Netflix while reducing an area of your body that drives you crazy in a dressing room keeping you from wearing the clothes you long to wear. More often than not, patients don’t even feel the need to buy new clothes, they are just so happy that they look so much better in the clothes that they have. We all know the war we have in our closets and now we have the ammunition to fight it.
On a more personal level, I have had Liposuction and CoolSculpting. I was very frustrated by the size of my thighs as a teenager and my sister loved to chant “Thunder Thighs” to me every chance she got. It very well may be because of her I found my greatest passion in life. My sister Michelle offered advice which, in her defense, at the time she felt would be very useful to me. She saw me get upset, especially on Fridays when everyone wore blue jeans and I never wanted to wear them. She bought me the “Thigh Master” from Suzanne Somers and explained to me that this would be the best way to change my thighs. I believed her and “Crissy” (who I had watched on “Three’s Company” for as long as I can remember) and tried this device for several months. If only I could have those months back. Very few things in life are as frustrating as believing in something that will never happen. It wasn’t completely about the appearance, or even wearing jeans. It was that somehow, this physical difference made me feel an insecurity that I couldn’t explain and nobody understood.
In 1989 when something bothered you, you couldn’t Google it and it took a lot of effort to find answers. Especially at 14. I exercised religiously and did everything I could yet, my thighs were simply larger than they should have been for my frame and my clothes were unforgiving. In 2001, I saw a National Enquirer about the Liposuction Suzanne Somers allegedly had. The feeling of deception was very new to me yet unforgettable. The feeling of relief was overwhelming. There was something I could do about this problem that bothered me so, and there was nothing wrong with me because the “Thigh Master” wasn’t working for me.
Several days before I began my internship into general surgery, I had Liposuction done. The discomfort was quite profound, yet the thought of ridding myself of the extra fat was worth it. I didn’t tell my parents as I was certain that they would disapprove. I can remember going home and putting on a pair jeans and even swollen I could see the difference. I confided only in my grandmother, who was wise enough to see the significance to me. Even 12 years after her death, I will never forget her support
One of the most frustrating things about wanting to change something about how you look is the way others respond to you. Perhaps only some of us have such a deep, emotional connection to our bodies and our reflections that others simply don’t understand. Everyday I hear patients saying that they want to change the way they look and often this results from their friends or family saying, “Are you tired? Are you sick?” When she finally tells them she wants to have a facelift or do something about looking tired or sick the response surprises her, “Oh no, you’re beautiful just the way you are!”
One of the reasons non-invasive procedures like CoolSculpting are so popular is that it is very easy to hide. You can come in, stay for a few hours and go home and no one would ever know you had something done. Yet, when you go into your closet, a dressing room or look in the mirror, you know. That is what really matters. Whether we agree or not, the connection between how we look and how we feel is powerful.
CoolSculpting can change the way you see yourself, and the world. There is simply no better feeling than looking in the mirror and being happy about how you look. The ability to sculpt your body without enduring the pain of Liposuction is profound.
There is essentially no downtime and you can be exercising within a few days. Within 3-4 weeks, you will see the areas that were treated get smaller and smaller. That is a beautiful feeling. Take a second and imagine what it would be like to be free from something about your body that affects you virtually every day and then imagine you could do this without risks to your health and while watching Netflix. It is simply amazing. Life is short. Some things are impossible to change, some are easy. CoolSculpting is easy.
watch Veazey get the CoolMini on her "Double Chin" area.
CoolSculpting can be done on any part of the body where there is enough fat to squeeze. There are just a few hours standing between you and the you you want to be!
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Coolsculpting for the "double Chin" area is one of the quickest and easiest ways to look thinner and younger! A one hour treatment, then watch the results progress. Sometimes great paired with Kybella injections depending on the nature of your chin area.